Bio-fertiliser Field Test: Tomatoes

ExploGrow™ treated Brix expected to reach over 7.5% at harvest
First preliminary tomato results in South Africa: 30 days before harvest!
Brix is the most important commercial indicator, because many cash crop producers are reliant on % Brix to determine the sale value of their produce. The preliminary Brix results are exciting, i.e. a 10% increase at this early stage indicates a projected final 20% uplift in Brix.
Size (weight):
Estimated size + 40% is a fantastic early stage result. Further: the testing farmer estimates around 30% more tomatoes per plant.
Quality / taste:
The farmer reports that some of the untreated tomatoes were already going off, compared to the ExploGrow™ treated tomatoes, that were “looking great”.
Even at this early stage, the farmer indicated a clear positive difference in the taste of the ‘explogrown’ tomatoes.
Tomatoes Update
4 weeks before harvest the Brix (sugar content) measured 6.6% (well on its way to the projected over 7,5%) for ExploGrow™ treated tomatoes and 6.0% for control, representing then already an 10% improvement.
After a severe cold spell, at harvest the Brix (sugar content) measured 6.2% for ExploGrow™ treated and 5.1% for control, representing a 21.6% improvement (uplift).
“I was absolutely delighted when I discovered the Brix result. After a severe cold spell, I was expecting a major decline in the Brix levels, however, the ExploGrow treated tomatoes maintained its high Brix level beyond my expectation. This will affect my pocket in the best possible way, thank you ExploGrow!” Christiaan Schutte
There is more to this than meets the eye! Pests and late frost/severe cold spells are two unwelcome and often disastrous events for farmers. Both can wholly ruin a crop.
Because the treated plants absorb more minerals, they are more resistant to cold weather/frost.
This we cannot claim formally, because it is not yet completely scientifically proven to DAFF's standards.
However: we can quote testimonials!