Watermelon farm achieve a 160% yield increase with "remarkable difference in taste" (higher Brix)
The ExploGrow treated area produced 160% more watermelons by mass.Hendrik Putter, Watermelon farmer
...the most important test for me and the laboratory staff, was the taste... It is the sweetest watermelon I've ever tasted! Lodewyk Greyling, Chicory SA

Growing Watermelons with ExploGrow™
Posted to Hendrik Putter’s Farmers’ Union group:
“Here’s a comparison for you to see what a difference the ExploGrow™ made!”
“Both watermelons are from the Crimson Sweet variety. The only difference is that the biggest one was planted 2 weeks later! Same water, soil, etc.”
Mr Putter also shared this email to his Farmers’ Union: “We expect Crimson Sweet to grow between 8 to 9 kilos. The watermelon on the scale is the same one as in the photo above, it’s not my biggest watermelon yet weighs about 11kg! I DEFINITELY recommend that you use this product! Remember, seeds were not even treated!” Hendrik Putter
Lab results: Brix (sugar content), appearance and taste:
“These Brix results are substantial, however, the most important test for me and the laboratory staff, was the taste. There was a remarkable difference in taste.The treated melon was sweet, juicy and a nice dark pink colour. The untreated one was very slightly sweet, lighter in colour and texture-wise also different.

“Hey ‘oupa’ we tried the watermelons and the treated one was much better than the normal one.” André & Leah

Great stuff ExploGrow! These watermelons are absolutely the sweetest, biggest, juiciest ever and taste like ice cream... even better!! We have never before had such a demand for watermelons and our customers only want the ones that we are getting from Mr Putter’s farm!Manuel de Freitas, Eienaar Spar Supermark, Somerset-Oos

Spar Somerset called me and ask for more “EXPO” watermelons, nothing else! When my wife gave me the message, I almost fell out of my chair! I dropped off 400 on Friday and they sold out in three days!Hendrik Putter, Waatlemoenboer
Update: Watermelon field trial, Grahamstown
Image: biggest untreated Watermelon (left), ExploGrow™ treated (right)
Untreated Watermelons: 7°Bx Vs. ExploGrow™ treated: 9.5°Bx
Brix increased by 36%
Size increased by 92%
°Bx = sugar nutrient level