Lead Limpopo BEE farmer urges all farmers and Provincial & Rural governments to treat ALL crops

Mr Sadek Moosa, a lead BEE agricultural producer in Limpopo Province, farms across multiple crops (including Mangoes, Chilies, Butternut, Maize and Pumpkins).
Mr Moosa is also working with the Provincial Government on 17 different BEE projects. Together with the Limpopo Provincial Government, he decided to thoroughly test ExploGrow™ after researching ExploGrow's many successful results.
Mr Moosa, together with the ExploGrow™ team, assessed the current fertiliser program recommended by his agronomist and decided to cut it down to only 50%. It was further decided that leaf samples would be used to monitor the nutrient status of the crop.

Pumpkin size comparison photos: Mr Moosa's ExploGrow™ treated pumpkins (on the right), 4 weeks before harvest, were much larger than the control pumpkins on the left.
At fruit set the leaf samples showed the following:

Pumpkins harvested:
Control: 70 tons per hectare
ExploGrow™ treated: 117 tons per hectare
Recommended fertiliser program: reduced by -50%
Quality difference: The ExploGrow™ pumpkins were much larger, with much longer shelf life (update to follow).
Additional tons harvested per hectare: +47 tons!

This record breaking Pumpkin yield equates to a yield increase of 67% more than Mr Moosa's historic average, despite only applying 50% of the recommended fertiliser program.
Based on the Pumpkin success, Mr Moosa decided to apply ExploGrow™ to butternuts.
Seeds were treated with ExploGrow™ overnight and a total of 8 liters of ExploGrow™ per hectare were applied split into three in-field applications.
Butternut harvested:
Recommended fertiliser program: reduced by -50%
ExploGrow™ treated: 114.7 tons per hectare
Quality grading: The ExploGrow™ treated butternuts achieved much longer shelf life (update to follow soon).

Record Butternut yield: 63.8% improvement on his historic farm average.
"From now on every crop planted and every out-grower will receive ExploGrow™!"Statement by Mr Sadek Moosa a lead BEE farmer supporting multiple Rural Development farming programs in Limpopo
Mr Moosa urges all farmers and Provincial & Rural governments to treat ALL crops, because it is evident that ExploGrow™ will have a massive effect on ALL crops that will transform the grower’s farming results.
Chilies: yet another record yield anticipated!
Final harvest: June/July
Preliminary data show very promising results at both 8 liters of ExploGrow™ per hectare and even better results testing at 16 liters per hectare.

Left: in field ExploGrow™ treated Chilies.
Middle: Extra large Pumpkins with extra long shelf life.
Right: Extension Officer (Limpopo Province) Mrs Mokgadi Ramoroka inspecting the ExploGrow™ effect together with Mr Sadek Moosa and Mr Rian Saunders.