Advanced no tillage farming plus ExploGrow microbes on Soybeans and Maize
No till irrigated Maize control (left) versus ExploGrow treated (right)

Advanced No-Till Farming plus ExploGrow™ on Soybean and Maize
What is no-till? No tillage farming ("no-till") is an agricultural technique for growing crops or pasture without disturbing the soil through tillage.
The five principles/pillars for a healthy no-till ecosystem:
- Armor (cover) on the soil surface
- Minimum physical disturbance of the soil that incudes using as little chemicals as possible
- Diversity of plants (cover crops), animals and insects
- Living roots in the soil whenever possible
- Animals integrated into the ecosystem
This healthy no-till ecosystem is a near perfect environment for inoculation with a bio-fertiliser containing 17 microorganisms, therefore we added some ExploGrow™, this is what happened:
Farm location: Bergville, KZN
Farmer: Egon Zunckel
- No-Till Dryland Soybeans
- No-Till Maize
Result summary:
No-Till Dryland Soya beans + ExploGrow™:
- ExploGrow™ treated area: estimated a harvest result of 4.5 tons per hectare
- The ExploGrow™ benefit resulted in 71% more Soyas by weight than the control plants 5 weeks before harvest
No-Till Maize + ExploGrow™:
- ExploGrow™ treated area: 7.6 ha.
- Average yield of 16.64 t/ha
- ExploGrow™ produced 1.51 extra tons of grain per ha
No-Till Dryland Soya beans:
Explogrow™ application rates:
- Standard Rhizobium seed inoculation was replaced with an ExploGrow™ treatment *
- ExploGrow™ was applied as a seed inoculation at 1 liter per ton of seed
- ExploGrow™ applied in the furrow at planting
- Total of 4 liters per ha applied in the field with dramatic effect on root nodulation and total seed production
* [Rhizobia bacteria can fix between 100kg and 300kg of Nitrogen per year depending on environmental factors. ExploGrow™ contains several Nitrogen fixing Rhizobia microbes, all of which can fix Nitrogen from the atmosphere into readily available Nitrogen in the soil and the plants’ cells [References: 1, 3-8, 10, 13-15].
[See visible improvement on Nitrogen nodulation in the photo below.]
Observation on plants inspected in the field 5 weeks before harvest:
- Better nodulation on ExploGrow™ treated block
- 4 plants were taken randomly from control block and ExploGrow™ block and the total weight of the above ground plant material was weighed as well as the total pods and flowers on each plant
- Significantly more branching in the ExploGrow™ treated plants resulted in 116% more above ground biomass production.
- The ExploGrow™ treated plants produced 66% more pods
- The ExploGrow™ treated plants produced 77% more seeds
- The ExploGrow™ benefit resulted in 71% more Soyas by weight than the control plants

Image: Illustrating yield data and hail damage
Dryland Soya bean results at harvest: unfortunately, hail destroyed the treated area days before harvest. A neighboring farmer and former Agricultural Research Council (ARC) researcher, who also assisted the data gathering, estimated a harvest result on the ExploGrow™ treated area of 4.5 tons per hectare.

Photo: Visible improvement of Nitrogen nodulation on the ExploGrow™ treated area (RIGHT), compared with the standard Rhizobium seed inoculation on the Control (LEFT).

Photo: Significantly more branching in the ExploGrow™ treated plants (in the row below) resulted in 116% more above ground biomass production.

Photo: Significantly more branching in the ExploGrow™ treated plants resulted in 116% more above ground biomass production.

Crop: No-Till Irrigated Maize
Irrigation: Centre pivot
- ExploGrow™ seed treatment at a rate of 1 liter per ton of seed
- 4 liters of ExploGrow™ added at 3 weeks post emergence
- 4 liters of ExploGrow™ added at 5 weeks post emergence
- Application through a boom spray and irrigated into the soil
- Control: 6.1 ha. Average yield of 15.13 t/ha
- ExploGrow: 7.6 ha. Average yield of 16.64 t/ha
- ExploGrow treated area produced 1.51 extra tons of grain per ha