Record Onion harvest smashes average yields of 55 tons / ha with 104.2 tons / ha
From 55 tons per hectare to 104.2!

Interview with the farmer explaining his record Onion harvest
(The text below has been transcribed from the above video interview (in Afrikaans) with the farmer)
"We used ExploGrow™ on our December* planting of Onions.
*[extreme hot weather]
We applied 8 liters [2,11 US gal] per hectare [2,47 acres] of ExploGrow™.
We normally harvest an average of 55 tons per hectare on our December planting. Having just finished harvesting, the land [on the first preliminary calculation] yielded 95.6 tons** per hectare.
** [The final tonnage, however, added up to 104.2 tons per hectare. This was an +89.45% increase = +49.2 tons per hectare. This final tonnage was actually 8.6 tons more per hectare than the preliminary calculation mentioned in the video interview.]
The only change made to our normal Onion program was that we added ExploGrow™, together with the recommended food products*** for ExploGrow™ microbes.
We applied the 8 liters / ha of ExploGrow™ twice at 4 liters per application [4 liters x 2], followed by 10 liters / ha of the recommended food products*** for the ExploGrow™ microbes.
We are very excited about the road ahead.
We immediately applied ExploGrow™ to all our potato crops! [Estimated around 100 hectares]
Now we are also very excited to see what ExploGrow™ will achieve with our potatoes.
Thank you very much, Rian." :)
***[The "ExploGrow™ food products" (co-applied to the soil) consist of low cost organic matter, carbon etc., generally recommended to assist some functions of the microbial species contained in the ExploGrow™ poly-microbial blend. These food products are recommended (although, not essential) when a soil analysis shows levels of high Nitrate; low Carbon and low organic matter.]
Return on investment: for every R1.00 invested in ExploGrow™, the farmer received a return of R39,59 (3,959%)
- Hectares planted: 6
- ExploGrow™ applied: 48 liters
- Normal yield: 55 tons per hectare (5 year average)
- ExploGrow™ yield: 104.2 tons per hectare
- Additional tons per hectare: 49.8
- Additional income per ton: R3,000.00
- Additional tons harvested: 298.8 tons
- Additional income over 6 hectares: R896,400.00
- Return on investment: 3,959%
[The estimated investment gain (return) is based on the farmer harvesting an extra 298.8 tons of Onions by the use of ExploGrow™. This translates in to an estimated financial gain of R 896,400.00 (US$ 68,953.84) = the sales value of the extra 298.8 tons of Onions.
Another ongoing Onion case study on a different farm - where they ran short of Root-knot nematode pesticide
Remarkable observation in relation to a costly and damaging (to soil biology) poison used to kill the Root-knot nematode.
When the farmer ran out of Root-knot nematode poison on the ExploGrow™ treated area, the farmer decided not to apply the Root-knot nematode poison on the remaining ExploGrow™ treated area. Instead the farmer decided to put his trust in the plants' own abilities and defences when growing in an environment with the right combination of diverse and beneficial microbial species.
Observations so far:

Photo of Onion roots
- A + B: control Onions
- C + D: ExploGrow™ treated Onions
- C: ExploGrow™ treated Onions with NO Root-knot nematode poison
- D: ExploGrow™ treated Onions with Root-knot nematode poison
Onion root development by mass
- A: 1.190 g (control)
- B: 1.135 g (control)
Control average: 1.162 g
- C: 1.950 g (ExploGrow™ treated Onions with NO Root-knot nematode poison)
- D: 1.370 g (ExploGrow™ treated Onions with Root-knot nematode poison)
C: + 67.7% increased root mass versus (A/B avg.) control
D: + 17.9% increased root mass versus (A/B avg.) control
C: Also note a + 42.3% increased root mass versus D (the area with Root-knot nematode poison).

As expected, the (C) ExploGrow™ treated Onions developed roots almost double in size, with a + 67.7% increased root mass.
Additionally, there is a preliminary observation that the Onions (C) which are not treated with Root-knot nematode poison, appear to be unaffected** by the Root-knot nematode.
A further observation is that the Onions (C) have bigger root systems than the Onions (D), i.e. a +42.3% increased root mass versus the ExploGrow™ treated onions (D) that did receive the anti nematode poison as well.
**[Please note that ExploGrow™ is not registered as an approved pesticide. We are not claiming that ExploGrow™ will be an effective substitute product for reducing Root-knot nematodes.
However, farmers do report regarding a large variety of crops, that the plants' heightened immune systems visibly assist in overcoming attacks by pests and adverse weather].

Pictured: Gerhard Veldman, authorised ExploGrow™ distributor for Louis Trichardt, Polokwane and Tzaneen.
Call Gerhard Veldman on +27832298245
For other areas and countries, please contact us here.