Soybeans yielding 4.4 tons per hectare with remarkable plant health observations N-P-K 0-0-0
Soybean control left, ExploGrow™ treated Soybeans on the right

54 hectares of Soybeans treated with ExploGrow™
- Farm location: Mpumalanga, South Africa
- Remarkable plant health observations
- NO chemical fertilizer applied (N-P-K: 0-0-0)
- ExploGrow™ poly-microbial "food" applied: ECO Gro Fish Emulsion
- Farm average yield for Soybeans: 3.2 tons per hectare
- ExploGrow™ treated area yielded: 4.4 tons per hectare
[This was only the first time that ExploGrow™ was used on this farm.
Even better results are forecast for the next crop cycle, due to the now rejuvenated soil, after introducing the ExploGrow™beneficial microbes.
Only 3.5 liters of ExploGrow™ applied per hectare. There is therefore considerable scope to achieve even bigger yields than the 4.4 tons per hectare, through an optimal application of ExploGrow™.]
Return on investment: for every R1.00 invested in ExploGrow™, the farmer received a return of 285%
- Hectares planted: 54
- Yield increase with ExploGrow™: +37.50%
- ExploGrow™ applied: 189 liters
- Normal yield: 3.2 tons per hectare (5-year average)
- ExploGrow™ yield: 4.4 tons per hectare
- Additional income / ha on the ExploGrow™ treated area: R6,000.00 [= R5,000.00 per ton x 1.2]
- Additional tons harvested: 64.8 tons
- Additional income on the 54 hectares: R324,000.00
- Return on investment: 285%
[The estimated investment gain (return) is based on the farmer harvesting an extra 64.8 tons of Soybeans using ExploGrow™. AFTER deducting the cost of ExploGrow™ this translates into an estimated financial gain of R240,000 (US$ 19,340).