Wheat yield significantly increased on youth development farm trials, Northern Cape
A Pniel Youth Development Co-op farmer carries wheat plants back for test comparison

Image above: the clear 35 cm height difference at 6 weeks before harvest.
ExploGrow™ treated Wheat (top/back) compared with the control area (bottom/front).
Wheat, Development Farm Trials
Pniel Youth Development Co-operative
Done together with The Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.
- Location: Diamantveld, Kimberley, Northern Cape
- Crop: Wheat
- Irrigation: Centre pivot
- Stresses: Severe drought, broken pumps, lack of irrigation, October cold-front
- Due to lack of 'commercial level' resources this farm suffers from a risk of very low yields
- Due to the lack of resources only a 50% of normal dose (3,6 liters/ha) of ExploGrow™ was applied through the centre pivot
- The ExploGrow™ product was donated by Ingomso Labalimi Base Africa Pty Ltd. ('FutureGrow")
- The ExploGrow™ treated area was 11 ha
- The control area was equally 11 ha
- Emergence of the Wheat from the soil: 24 August, 2019
- 1st application of ExploGrow™: 6 September, 2019 [1,8 liters per hectare applied]
- 2nd application of ExploGrow™: 26 November, 2019 [1,8 liters per hectare applied]

Statement by Mr. Isaac Gillian April, Leader of the Pniel Co-op (January 2020): “The farmers in our area all suffered poor harvest conditions. We had a bad cold front October last year and struggled with our irrigation and a heavy drought. However, we were still able to harvest 92 tons on our 22 hectares of Wheat! The product was very good 1st grade!”

"Those ROOTS! Longer, thicker, bigger, better!" Statement by Mr. Isaac Gillian April, Leader of the Pniel Co-op (November 2019)

The results at harvest: 17 December, 2019
- ExploGrow™ applied: 3,6 liters/ha [less than 50% of the recommended application rate for Wheat crops which is 8.0 liters per hectare]
- Quality grading: 1st grade
- ExploGrow™ yield: 4.54 tons/ha
- Control yield: 3.81 tons/ha
- Percent increase: +19.16% (ExploGrow™ versus Control)
- Additional income per hectare: R3,248.50
- Additional income from the 11 ha ExploGrow™ treated area: R35,733.50
[Note: The expected yield increase would have been much higher with the normal 8.0 liters/ha of ExploGrow™ applied]
A special thanks to Mr. Isaac Gillian April (speaking in the video), his enthusiastic team from the Pniel Youth Development Co-operative, The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, NC, and Ingomso Labalimi Base Africa Pty Ltd. ('FutureGrow") for making these trials possible.