ECO-GRO Fish Emulsion

ECO GRO Fish Emulsion is manufactured by Eagle Creek Organics
ECO-Gro Fish Emulsion is one of many 'food' products recommended for use together with ExploGrow™ to improve valuable microbial functions (also see CARBOTECH® liquid carbon fertilizer).
ECO-Gro Fish Emulsion is a natural fish emulsion hydrolysate used in agriculture to help the plant's physiology, from seedling development to adulthood through growth stages.
ECO-Gro Fish Emulsion is made up from organic acids such as amino and and fatty acids.
- Responsible for stimulating beneficial microbe populations in the soil
- Low cost solution for boosting beneficialmicrobial populations in ExploGrow™ when co-applied as a soil drench
- The organics acids activate the formation of various metabolic components that are important to the plant's hormonal, immunity, energy and photosynthesis processes
- Promotes interaction with the plant's defense mechanism (same procedure as in humans for production of antibodies) to activate the PhYto-Alexins
- Contains inter alia elemental amino acids that increase photosynthesis and auxin formation in the root zone and germination
- Helps the plant to increase brix (sugar content) and energy levels during drought or stress
- Breaks down organic matter in the ground and increase the formation of humus constituents in the soil
- Can be applied as soil and foliar nutrition
- Increases the effectiveness of most fertilizers
- Increases N-effectiveness - thus humus formation
- Organic certification underway

Photos above: ExploGrow™ together with ECO Gro Fish Emulsion on Soybeans:
Untreated Soyas (top left), biofertiliser combo treated Soybeans (top right).
The effect of the stronger plant defences are clearly visible on the leaves of the Soya plant, top right.
- Hectares planted: 54
- Farm average yield for Soybeans: 3.2 tons per hectare
- ExploGrow™ treated area yielded: 4.4 tons per hectare
- Yield increase with ExploGrow™: +37.50%
- Only 3.5 liters of ExploGrow™ (together with ECO Gro) applied per hectare, there is therefore considerable scope to achieve even bigger yields, through an optimal application of ExploGrow™.
ECO Gro Fish Emulsion advantages
- Relatively low cost solution addressing a wide range of plant and microbial food requirements
- Small quantities of applications make a difference
- Contains amino acids that can be taken up and absorbed by the plant immediately because of its organic composition
- Macro and Micro elements are in a balanced form that makes it possible to be absorbed immediately
- Increases the effectiveness of plant absorption of spray mixtures
- Stimulates the metabolism and growth of the plant and is also an important component of nucleus division
- Compatible with all products (except Cu compounds and products with very low pH)
- Very small particle size
ECO Gro Fish Emulsion application guidelines
- Can be applied by any spray gun and overhead irrigation system
- Can be fertilized with any N-P-K fertilizer
ECO Gro Fish Emulsion dosage
- 2-40l / ha depending on the crop and symptoms of deficiency per application
ECO Gro Fish Emulsion dosage when used with ExploGrow
- 1-20l / ha depending on the crop and symptoms of deficiency per application
- Higher dosages of more than 20l / ha may also be beneficial
Co-application (ExploGrow™ + ECO-Gro Fish Emulsion) guidelines:
- Add ExploGrow™ and ECO Gro into the water tank at the correct dilution (see lables), mix well
- Application will be most optimal one week before the full moon
- Leave the mix to stand for 4 hours (NOT more than 24 hours).
- Flush lines clean after application to avoid clogging
ECO Gro is normally filtered down to 200 micron particle size (can be smaller if required).